This time on SpeakBeasty:
→ Sophie and Elayna are here!
→ The Phoenix Register: Fantastic Oscars and how to win them.
→ Meryl Streep could play Grindelwald!
→ We're recommending everything...
→ Zoe Kravitz "knows nothing".
→ What awaits Seraphina in movie two?
→ Magical Hall of Presidents!
→ JKR likes dropout protagonists.
→ Yay literature!
→ The universe of these films need more diversity.
→ #SeraphinaDeservesBetter
→ The Time-Turner: Women's marches in the 1910's!
→ Get it together, world.
→ The Newt Case: Unicorns!
→ Bob the unicorn, friend of Frank.
This time on SpeakBeasty:
→ Which Houses are Dan & Jacob in?
→ "The Phoenix Register": New book covers unveiled!
→ Scratch and sniff editions next?
→ Is Newt Scamander a super spy?
→ Paris, the city of love and pastries...
→ Niffler pocket dimensions?
→ Grindelwald to be defeated by nifflers.
→ Dan approves of Pastries!!
→ Opening a chain of Kowalski Bakeries.
→ Jacob = Indiana Jones.
→ Does Jacob remember Queenie?
→ “The Time-Turner”: World War I.
→ Punching Nazis and fighting the Huns.
→ "The Newt Case": The Occamy!
→ What would Jacob name his Occamy?
This time on SpeakBeasty:
→ Listener Ann guest hosts!
→ Happy New Year!
→ The Phoenix Register: The DVD is out in April!
→ “It’s called Capitalism, Shannen!”
→ Tina belongs in every house.
→ Death potion? Good times.
→ Newt as the Crocodile Hunter?
→ “A sad fic waiting to happen…”
→ How to get on Jacob’s level.
→ Did Newt and Leta have a platonic friendship?
→ Good old Newtles.
→ The Time Turner: Holidays in the 1920s!
→ “Christmas was more flammable!”
→ The Newt Case: Kelpies!
→ Water horse demon things.
PODCAST QUESTION: Which character would you like us to discuss at length next episode and why?