This time on SpeakBeasty...
- We welcome Common Room and social media team guest host, Geoff!
- "If you can't have a good time saying 'Pukwudgie,' I don't know how to help you."
- Owl Post: How do you take something that is not a sentient being and give it some level of consciousness? Plus, DisKid makes us cry.
- We wrap up our Crimes of Grindelwald breakdown with the very last section of the film.
- "He should write a book about that!"
- Where was the blood vial when Grindelwald was in prison?
- Do we agree that Jacob cannot see Hogwarts?
- Geoff has a sneaky theory about how Travers Jr. ends up on the dark side.
- Loyalty tests are a lot like COVID tests.
Podcast Question: Now that we have finished watching the film, did your opinion about it change? What are your favorite theories?