This time on SpeakBeasty…
- Owl Post: Welsh Corgis. Who could ask for more?
- In real life, our highest classification for dangerous animals is just “Australia.”
- “I wanna boop the snek on its snoot.”
- Shannen’s husky is the heir of Slytherin.
- Sending your kids out to eat other people’s kids is not cool.
- Main Discussion: What if? We discuss six “What if” theories from the first Fantastic Beasts film that would've/could’ve played out differently.
- “Wanna take a peek at Queenie’s ladies things?”
- Sorry Mr. Abernathy, this case packs a real punch, honey!
- The Time Turner: 101st anniversary of the date that the prohibition officially took effect in the U.S.A.
Podcast Question: What if? Send us your own or respond to our “What If” theories- we’d love to hear from you!