- It's April and that's no joke!
- Thanks to this week's Patreon supporter, Pauline V.!
- Phoenix Register: The Making of Harry Potter Tokyo is opening 6/16. The Great Wizarding Express will feature! (PRNewsWire)
- Tickets are available now.
- Please write in with your thoughts about why Fantastic Beasts is so big in Asia! We'd love to hear from you!
- Owl Post: Jerri writes in with concerns about continuity and timing.
- Poor Newt and Theseus only get a short rest.
- Owl-Bert lets us know about more word on a potential Wizarding World studio.
- The Variety article is here.
- Warner Brothers, we're ready to run the studio!
- Main Discussion: Scenes 68-71 of the screenplay
- Sum up the Fantastic Beasts movies in one sentence: "We see what Grindelwald is doing and it's weird."
- When you're in the basement, you know you've gone too far.
- We ponder Credence pondering the qilin.
Podcast Question: How do you think the qilin resurrection process works?